Monday, September 9, 2013

Weird dream…

A couple years ago I dreamt that I had to go to a party that one of my dad’s friends was having at their house, and in the dream the kind of parties that people would have were “clown” arties which in the dream was completely normal to have where the host would hang up clown decorations and on the front door instead of having a wreath, people would put a clown mask showing that they were having a “clown party” th their house so people could find out where the party was at. Well, in this dream I really didn’t want to go to the party because I never really liked to go to events with my parents work friends but they made me go anyway. Everyone just wore normal clothes, just like any other party. so i go inside the house with my parents and after a while everyone was smoking so i went outside the house on the front porch so i could get some fresh air when there was a biker driving by, but it wasn't just any biker it was a clown on a motorcycle. Then i felt very panicked to take down the clown mask wreath so the biker couldn't see it; but it was too late so i ran inside to tell my parents aboout what just happened so we could get everyone out of the house because i knew they were coming (the clowns). but just as i was getting my parents out the door they arrived to the house, and turned it into a hostage situation untill finally they killed everyone, including me. now i don't really understand why i had this dream or what it could possibly symbolize, and it sounds silly writting it out here, but in my dream it was a really serious and scary situation that i don't wish to experience again.


  1. Oh my goodness! What a terrifying image to show up in the sidebar! Psycho baby clown! :) I don't think your dream is silly. Seems like many people fear clowns for a variety of reasons. I don't think I'd feel too comfortable at a party like the one you described...

  2. Even though this dream was pretty weird, it would make a good story because of all the action.
